Today, the NoLoanZone Podcast goes on location at Boxcast with Gordon Daily, CEO and Co-Founder of Boxcast. Boxcast is a Cleveland based computer technology company that offers online streaming solutions to organizations and individuals. Gordon graduated from Case Western reserve with a degree in Computer Engineering and employs about 100 people, many of whom, have completed a degree.
1:50 What is Boxcast?
3:07 Gordon started making things in college as a computer engineer.
3:53 What is Gordon looking for in an employee? Skills and the intangibles matter.
4:52 Technology is a great place to invest in but half of the job isn’t actually doing the technology. The bulk of the job is communication, organization, research, working with people.
6:08 If you are going to an elite school like Case Western Reserve, you have to have some aspirations and know exactly what you are doing. Because if you come out of that school without a real clear idea what you want to do, it’s just a hard game to catch up with in terms of debt.
6:53 The most valuable thing they (Case Western Reserve) gave to me (Gordon) was the relationships with the people that I knew my co founders, and my best technology coders are people that I met through the university.
7:31 At Boxcast, we have lots of employees that have degrees, we have lots of employees that don’t have degrees. We have people in technology positions that don’t have a four year degree, there are all kinds of interesting learning experiences that you can have that don’t require having to have a degree.
8:10 Intangible skills do matter. It’s not that skills don’t matter. And you have to learn the coursework, whether that’s in the classroom, online, or through a, you know, some sort of alternative program. But really, what matters most to companies are your work ethic, and how well you work with other people. And will you follow through on the deadlines? When you say you’re going to do something? Can you do something? And can you stay organized?
9:35 Lots of living wage opportunities are available in technology. But is it right for you? There are many ways to get started in the field that don’t necessarily involve going into debt. If you’re unsure about your career direction and want more information about how to find a career that fits your personality, interests and skills. Reach out to me Janet Maltbie at
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