Today on our program we discuss betting on college and how to make wise career choices based on our options, research and the facts before us. This podcast is based on the issues raised in the book, The Biggest Bluff by Maria Konnikova.
Betting on college is a huge decision that can have a lasting impact on a person’s financial future. It is important to do research and make wise choices before making this bet. By researching the facts and understanding the options, students and their families can make an informed decision about college.
Maria Konnikova, author of The Biggest Bluff, has done extensive research on how people bet. In her book, she ran betting experiments with students using real money. She found that people tend to overestimate the degree of control they have over events. Even smart people who should know better make decisions based on limited information. Unfortunately, many people make decisions based on their emotions rather than facts and research.
Konnikova’s main message is to pay attention and look at things as they are. Students must do their homework and research the college they are considering. They must look at the hard numbers and understand their own skills and abilities and their chances of success. It is important to look at the labor market realities and make an informed decision.
Janet Maltbie, a career counselor and host of the No Loan Zone podcast, teaches an online career exploration class at Lorain County Community College. This class gives students a chance to do research and look into their options before they make a decision. It is important to understand the cost of college, the chances of graduating, and the return on investment. The numbers can be daunting. According to Maltbie, only 17% of students graduated with a degree from Lorain County Community College in 2016.
Betting on college is a big decision. It is important to research the facts and make an informed decision. By understanding the cost, the chances of success, and the return on investment, students and their families can make a wise decision about college.
Making smart decisions in high school, college, and beyond is an important part of life. The No Loan Zone podcast on provides valuable information and advice on how to make informed decisions about college and beyond. Reach out to Janet Maltbie today.
Janet Maltbie can be reached at
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