Interested in obtaining free college credits while in middle or high school? This statewide CCP (College Credit Plus) program offers free tuition, books and fees for free. Join us for a conversation with Nadia Leary. Nadia is the Manager of Recruitment, MyUniversity, and College Credit Plus at Lorain County Community College. She has helped thousands of students get started in college before they graduate from high school. Nadia keeps up to date on the ever evolving changes to the program and communicates them to staff, high school personnel and of course interested students.
CCP contact information: [email protected] 440-366-4012
Unsure about your career direction and want help on completing a degree, debt free? You can reach the host of the No Loan Zone podcast, Janet Maltbie, at She teaches a totally online career exploration class through Lorain County Community College, called Career Exploration and Life Planning, SDEV 103.
This week on the No Loan Zone Podcast we look at how to avoid college debt by transferring and getting aid. Today on our...
Summary: Are you a high school student planning to attend college in the fall? In the latest episode of the No Loan Zone podcast,...
Tommy and Kyle have Communications degrees and both took out loans but Kyle went to a public school. Tommy didn’t. This podcast centers on...