Getting the most out of your Community College experience means starting with the end in mind. Today Krista O’Neill, lead guided pathways coach for the 23 community colleges in Ohio, discusses the state and national trends that help students complete degrees through four pillars of support: clear curricular pathways, choosing a pathway, helping students stay on the path and ensuring students are learning. In order to get the most out of your community college experience, O’Neill suggests:
Start early. Take college level classes while in high school though the CCP program. Take classes all year long. Augment your Fall and Spring semesters with summer classes. Research career options using the Occupational Outlook Handbook: Meet regularly with your academic advisor to make sure you stay on track. Get involved in the campus. Take advantage of internships, co-ops and student activities. Engage in the campus community and take advantage of services.Ask for help when needed. On the Lorain County Community College campus the ARC (Advocacy Resource Center) provides access to food, counseling, financial and other support services so students can, “focus less on worrying and more on their future.”Also, if you are unsure about your career direction and want help on completing a degree, debt free, you can reach the host of this podcast, Janet Maltbie, at She teaches a totally online career exploration class through Lorain County Community College, called Career Exploration and Life Planning, SDEV 103.
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