Enlisting in the military is a big decision. Is it right for you? Vanessa Richards thought it was right for her. She plans to serve and then take advantage of the Montgomery GI bill that provides tuition assistance for those who have served in the military. Here are some key takeaways Vanessa discussed:
Unsure about your career direction and want help on completing a degree, debt free? You can reach the host of this podcast, Janet Maltbie, at radiowannabe.com/contact. She meets with students and adults in transition virtually online so they can reach their career goals. She also teaches a totally online career exploration class through Lorain County Community College, called Career Exploration and Life Planning, SDEV 103.
Money problems? Do you have control over your finances. What are some creative ways to pay for college without going into debt. Join us...
Interested in obtaining free college credits while in middle or high school? This statewide CCP (College Credit Plus) program offers free tuition, books and...
Getting the most out of your Community College experience means starting with the end in mind. Today Krista O’Neill, lead guided pathways coach for...