Join us for a conversation with Carrie Short, Director of Financial Aid at Lorain County Community College. Don’t miss out on free money because you failed to apply to financial aid, got frustrated with the process or failed to update your contact information.
Realize many times financial aid will need to verify your information. The government requires this. It is not personal, but it can be frustrating. Make sure you are in contact with your financial aid office by checking your email. During the pandemic, use the chat line first or email before calling.
Today on our program, No Loan Zone host, Janet Maltbie is on location with Josh Clemence at Boxcast, the best and easiest way to...
Ohio’s primary elections take place on August 2, 2022. Know the issues and representatives. Today on the No Loan Zone Podcast we speak with...
Today on our program, we talk with several college graduates: Rebecca Urry, Tommy Nickel, Kyle Nickel, as well as a current student, Reanna Urry,...