Are you a high school student planning to attend college in the fall? In the latest episode of the No Loan Zone podcast, host Janet Maltbie interviews Faith Talmage, a fashion merchandising major at Kent State University, on navigating freshman year!
CREATE YOUR OWN SPACE: If you're living with a roommate, you may struggle to find alone time. Faith shared how she used the space under her bed to create a personal spot, which she called her 'cave.'
GET INVOLVED: Faith didn't expect to join as many clubs as she did in college. However, attending a club fair and signing up for various clubs opened up new avenues for her. She even joined a club focused on fashion.
PLAN AHEAD: Faith knew what field she wanted to study in, and she took specific classes to prepare for her career in fashion merchandising. Taking entry-level classes that could be taken remotely gave her a head start.
Remember, college is expensive, and students should make sure it's the right choice for them. The No Loan Zone podcast is committed to helping students complete a degree debt-free and Janet Maltbie provides career guidance to help students find the right fit through
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