Have you considered attending a Community College? Many high school students, non traditional students and adults in transition are finding that it is a low cost/high value way to complete a degree or learn a new skill. Today on the No Loan Zone podcast we discuss with Dr. Jonathan Dryden the advantages of attending a community college. Dr. Dryden is Provost and Vice President of Academic and Learner Services at Lorain County Community College. Previous to that he served as a Professor of English and Dean of the Social Sciences and Human Services division at LCCC. This podcast is for you if you if don’t have a clear career direction and you are not sure if you want to take the time, effort and money it takes to complete a degree. Plus, you have heard the stories about students who are in debt after completing a degree. We will be covering these topics and more with the Vice President of Lorain County Community College: www.lorainccc.edu
Also, if you are unsure about your career direction and want help on completing a degree, debt free, you can reach the host of this podcast, Janet Maltbie, at radiowannabe.com/contact. She teaches a totally online career exploration class through Lorain County Community College, called Career Exploration and Life Planning, SDEV 103.
Join us for a conversation with Caleb Watson, Pastor of Student Ministries at Providence Church in Avon Ohio. Janet Maltbie discusses with Caleb the...
Tommy and Kyle have Communications degrees and both took out loans but Kyle went to a public school. Tommy didn’t. This podcast centers on...
Today on the the No Loan Zone podcast, Janet Maltbie discusses the Supreme Court ruling on the student loan forgiveness program that will affect...